On Google In 90 Days or Less!!!!
Book a Discovery SessionWhat if we told you that we could guarantee a way to FINALLY rank your business #1 on Google...for the most valuable search terms in your market...
Thought it might get your attention, and here's why...
Google rankings can make or break your business
Hopefully, this doesn't come as a surprise to you...or worse, you thought SEO was old news and washed up...
Everyone is playing with Facebook ads and TikTok ads now right?? SEO is dead...
While Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok and the like can not be ignored...
The fact still remains that Google SEO results are still the #1 highest-converting and THE most valuable and profit exploding type of traffic you can get anywhere on the internet.
And what makes this even more exciting for you as a business owner is...once you reach this mountain top, staying there is not as hard as you may think(though it's no cake walk by any means)
And especially if you are just starting out with very limited budget...showing up on the first page of Google is by far YOUR MOST VALUABLE ASSET!
And if you don't show up on Google when your prospects search for what you're selling, you may as well not exist at all.
So...We're saying all of this to say, SEO is making a HUGE come back!
So don't put all of your eggs in the Facebook & Google Ads baskets and if you did...we have some pretty alarming stats to show you...
And it's not just Google either...The average CPC on Facebook? 171% in the last 12 months. And it's expected to more than DOUBLE again this year! And it just...keeps...getting....worse... Because the price to advertise on these channels only goes one way...ALL THE WAY UP!!
Maybe you've tried SEO in the past and have been taken advantage of by lying SEO agency scumbags who sold you the world and at best gave you a globe to put on your desk as a paper weight. Or maybe they did do what they said they would, but only got you ranked on keywords that don't really move the money needle at all. Something like..."Best left handed painter in Chicago" which by the way, gets NO traffic what so ever. And that's just one of the dirty tricks these guys use to rip you off!
We're not just saying this to say it either...most REALLY have no clue what to look for in the vast amounts of SEO data to look at now. Most just look at ranking and that's it, but there's SO much more that goes into that. What's the intent behind the visitor coming to your page? How long did they stay when they came by...30 secs? If that's the case...You're ranking that you're so proud of...will soon go away.
And for good reason too! Google would rather show the potential user something useful and that is demonstrated by how long a visitor stays.
Information not captivating enough....
Keywords just stuffed in a blog article for the sake of stuffing keywords, but no substance can be gained from the post...
Google will sniff that type of stuff out in a very short time, and when they're wonderful little bot comes crawlin' on by...
What ever those jokers promised in terms of ranking power...
And to sum all of this up, if the above senario ever did produce lasting ranking results...if it don't make dollars, it don't make sense!!
More often than not, from our experience...
Nothing usually comes from these types of experiences but heartache and headache, and no one wants either of those...
So listen up my friend, because THE ONLY THING that matters is how much revenue and profit come rolling into your bank account because of your SEO efforts.
If that isn't the main goal...simply put...your time is being wasted!
Now, saying this might make us come across as brash, or harsh but that's only because the truth is rarely spoken without weight...and these days, rarely spoken at all.
But we're more concered with shielding you from the endless idiots that are just trying to make a quick buck rather than establish a lasting partnership.
And because of the mentality behind the last guys' work and the results they promised but didn't deliver on.
You may be reading this thinking...
Or that SEO is to hard...
So alternatively, you continue to fork over a small fortune to Google and Facebook as those channels are far more "predictable" in your mind
"I can at least SEE where my money is going"
And with that mindset, you're failing before you ever get started!
And the reason you may ask...
The reason is, you're literally serving up your most high value customers that are in "Hunt Mode", for the products and/or services your business offers
Case in point...How do you think YOU found us??
We know what keywords our potential clients would be looking for and we position our stategy around THAT single hive mind thought!! Nothing else!!
So when you, typed in "Best SEO agency in Chicago" we popped up, and have a chance to meet you.
But again, that requires work...and it's hard work
Because the old strategies previously used to rank your site on Google will likely get your website penalised in 2022.
So, if you thought you could just put up some "Great 10x content..."
And then get spectacular rankings...Try again...
And if you're afraid of that...remember those "Hunt Mode" buyers we talked about earlier??
Yea, they now belong to your competitors...
So we ask you then friend, which "Hard" is TOO hard?
Loss of Revenue because you didn't take the time to understand the curves that is the road of SEO...
Or...finding more revenue than you know what to do with because of the work done to rank well and for the right keywords
Good, because we're trying to save your rightous mind and buisness from that "SEO Expert" you hired before that turned your website into a live minefield...
Wiping you and your rankings off the face of the planet...
"The Upper Room..." that's where your revenue is now
Why? Well, 99% of SEO agencies use shady tactics to rank websites, one of them being PBNs (Private Blog Networks).
This is where they have a network of private blogs, that offer no real value to the internet, they just exist for the sake of placing links to their client's websites.
(It's a very back alley and cheap tatic for increasing rankings)
But even if you ask an SEO agency if they use PBNs, they'll lie to your face and say "No..."
Because what business owner in their right mind would hire them if they admitted this?
They use PBNs because it's a cheap and effective way to get websites ranking quickly...(pay attention to that last word "quickly")
That is of course, until the brightest minds and highest-paid engineers in the wonderful world of Google come on by...
Uncovering these rats nests of creepy practices - that completely go against Google guidelines...
And guess who pays for that...
You website gets chalked out on the ground, zipped up in a body bag and placed on a slab in the Internet Morgue.
Then after a few days taken to the graveyard and buried next to the other websites who have tried to "trick" Google.
The digital streets are literally littered with bodies who decided they were "For the streets" and engaged in "Black hat" shady stuff.
And though it might have worked in the past...
And these go against everything you've ever been told by SEO companies and so-called "experts"
And here's some proof:
This FREE Report reveals the most powerful SEO trade secrets for boosting your organic rankings and opening the floodgates to organic traffic
3 fatal traps no SEO company will EVER tell you(these little known things are like strapping a time bomb to your businesses chest)
How to get the MAXIMUM amount of free traffic from Google - Sucking in leads like crazy
The inside "SEO trade secrets" other agencies don't want you to know
How to increase your website's conversion rate 500% withough spending a single cent on paid traffic
How to tell if your SEO agency is lying to you and secretly audit their work
The single most import thing you can do to your website to ensure it outranks the most established competitors on Google! (Not one in a hundred agencies have a clue this "hack" even exists)
What you absolutley MUST do immediately before hiring an SEO agency, to stop them from lighting your money on fire!!
Listen, we know you've tried SEO...
We know you've been promised the world before and been let down...
We know that you've been burned heavily and don't trust easy anymore...
So rather than spend our time and resources trying to convince you we're different...
From the clowns, who left you with more excuses than profit...
For a limited time, we've decided to risk our own bottom-line to SHOW YOU we're different (Actions over words)
YUP! We're the only agency confident in our skills enough (or crazy) to actually guarantee results or we don't get paid. You get every single cent back!!
So now this means, we both have skin in the game...
Because we believe that earning your trust will forever earn your business...and we don't back off of that, EVER!
We've been in this game for the past 5 years which is like an ETERNITY online...
Look, our stategies are proven...
And that is why for a limited time we're offering...
We have just re-opened our doors to accept new clients with this risk-free offer...
And if you're reading this - it means that we still have a couple spots available.
And for the month of July, we're offering businesses FREE 30-minute strategy sessions.
On this call we'll show you what it will take to truly rank at the top of Google for the most valuable search terms and REALLY (seriously) explode your sales.
But before we go further...Let's set some ground rules soldier...
This isn't just another "Sales Pitch" disguised as a Stategy Session, with some Bozo...
Not in the slighest...
Nor is this call a high pressure pitch...
Are we making this up? Could be...
But there's only one way to find out...and that's by
"The only thing to fear is fear itself"
HIT THE DANG BUTTONDominate your market - With Precision