
We'll it's about time you showed up!

We're trying to make growing a business as fun and easy as possible for millions of folks who made the hard choice to follow a dream. And we aren't just in a league of our own...we own it - and we want YOU in it!

Click to find out the deadliest Money Printing Secret On The Internet!

Dear Business Builder,

Hi, I'm Joel Carter. Since we're getting familiar, I'm the founder of DoubleEdge Digital.

And yes, - This is a black owned Digital Agency (Heeey Big head👋🏾). So we do things with culture and creativity that is completely unmatched.

Here's what that means for you though...


That IS...what you were looking for right?

Not what and how we do things...

But if you are's a quick run down.

I started DoubleEdge Digital (Formally DoubleEdge Software) back at the end of 2017.

My wife had just had our first child and starting a business seemed like a uphill battle.

After many, many, many failed attempts to launch successfully, I stopped to really take a look at my business and where the holes were. What I uncovered was astounding!

I started to see patterns in the way people responded to my own ads...and quickly thought - "I need to make this a thing"

Sooo...I did.

And that 'thing' has become a powerhouse selling strategy that...

When let loose in the wild...

It DEVOURS any and everything placed in it's wake (competition)

So...would you like to know more about this Apex Preditor?

Cool...Keep Reading.

Book a 30-minute Discovery Session

SOO...We Lied...

This page isn't really a traditional "About Us" page.

Really, we'd rather focus on you (Queue my Favorite H.E.R. song - judge if you must).

'Cause hey we get it! - Building a business is HARD WORK!

I'd even go as far as to say it's like being shot at by a paintball gun - 1 Million times, blindfolded while walking through a snow covered field with bear traps.

Yea bruh...that's not how you want to do business...

And it's not how you want to live your life either I'm sure!!

But...that's what you've been doing for however long it took you to visit this page...

And if you don't say it...I'll say it for you - THAT LIFE IS GHETTO!! (1 star - Do Not Recommend)

But what if I told...and showed you a way that was much, much easier. might say.

And this proven system...Gives you more...

More money, More Security, More Freedom...

More memories...

More legroom...Time with family

Whatever it is for you...

Let me ask you this one simple question...

What if all you had to do was hit this button

What if there's a better way...

A way to end that nightmare...

What if I gave you a proven roadmap to get exactly where you wanted to go?

Well, that's exactly WHY I created DoubleEdge Digital!

I wanted to solve this problem for myself back in the day - but I quickly found out, that the purpose was MUCH bigger.

I wanted to not only solve the problem...

But murder it with a sawed-off

Listen, here at DoubleEdge Digital we aren't to much interested in just "inspiring" you with fluff and good words.

No - We Eat What We Kill!!

We're not interested in sitting around, drinking herbal tea and gawking over how many impressions or views we got.


Above ALL ELSE...

We want you to succeed.

It's our way to make a difference. Which means every single strategy and tactic we deploy works.

Because we've tested...and tested...and tested this stuff in our own business.

So if we wouldn't do it...we'll tell you the same! Period!

So here's a gift from us to you...

Here's something to chew on for a bit
Free Report

12 Insider Trade-Secrets to double sales and profits from your google ads campaigns

Here is just a fraction of what you will discover:
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    The craziest most costly Google Ads pitfalls you're probably making right now

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    How to only bid on keyword that result in sales (not just converstions)

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    How to uncover hidden pockets of profits from ANY campaign...with small amounts of effort

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    The little known Google Ad "hack" that can boost sales by 422%

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    How to steal market share from your competition, even if you have a smaller budget

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    How to have you ad constantly in the #1 spot while bidding less than the competition

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    How to find out exactly how competent/incompetent your paid search agency is (This is how you can check their work out...without them ever knowing!)

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    And SOOO much more! - BTW This is just ONE of the stratiegies we have

So PLEASE take this! This report is yours free so you can make it rain in your business!

Just enter your details in the box below and hit the "send me my report" button.

And these sales-exploding tips will be sent directly to your inbox in the form of a PDF.

But hey, maybe you've seen enough and you'd rather have a partner along side for the journey who knows how to keep you out of harm...



We have just re-opened our doors to accept new clients with this risk-free offer...

And if you're reading this - it means that we still have a couple spots available.

And for the month of July, we're offering businesses FREE 30-minute strategy sessions.

On this call we'll show you what it will take to truly rank at the top of Google for the most valuable search terms and REALLY (seriously) explode your sales.

But before we go further...Let's set some ground rules soldier...

This isn't just another "Sales Pitch" disguised as a Stategy Session, with some Bozo...

Not in the slighest...

Nor is this call a high pressure pitch...

Are we making this up? Could be...

But there's only one way to find out...and that's by

Claim Your Free 30-Minute Discovery Session

All rights reserved © DoubleEdge Digital 2021